Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Rocking Horses

My grandfather made Evelyn & Connor rocking horses and they both had so much fun riding them. Thank you Bumpa!

I like my "Ips"

I was in the kitchen at the sink and all of a sudden heard the crinkling of a bag of chips. I look over to see Evelyn helping herself to a handful. I had to get pics. Once I went to take the bag away she knew what I was doing and grabbed the biggest handful she could and shoved it in her mouth. She can't quite say chips so she calls them "ips".

Pumpkin Patch

We took Evelyn out to the Louisberg Cider Mill last weekend to pick out some pumpkins and enjoy some cider donuts. She fell asleep in the car on the way there so she still looks a little sleepy in some of the pics. But, super cute none the less!

First Trip to the Beauty Salon

I decided that Evelyn needed her first professional haircut so we took her last weekend. Not a dramatic difference but the back is all even now and her bangs are trimmed up a bit. (tryig to grow them out) She was very good for her hair cut. She did look up at the hairstylist at one point and very seriously told her "no!" But otherwise was a very good girl!

Hanging out with my friends

Evelyn in her track suit at the park with her friends! She likes to swing and go down the slide and thinks she is big enough to go down the big slide all by herself. (Um...she's not!) No fear for this girl!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Antioch Park

With the weather being so nice lately, John & I decided to go try out Antioch Park. Evelyn had fun exploring and really liked seeing the ducks & geese. She got upset when we had to leave them. :(

Zoe's Birthday

We had the family over to celebrate Zoe's birthday the other weekend and had a great time. It was such a nice night out so we spent it outside on the new deck & patio. More pictures of the deck to come later!! Happy Birthday, Sis!


Evelyn really doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but she did dig in to some powdered dounts that we had the other weekend. She loved them!

Playtime with Dad

Evelyn loves to climb and seems to have no fear. Dad let her stand on the table the other night but we got her down quickly. She loves playing with her dad who constantly is chasing her & tickling her. He makes her laugh all the time!

Deep Sleep

I found Evelyn sleeping with her foot sticking out of her crib the other night. Didn't even phase her.