Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Pop!

John's dad had a birthday last week and we went over for cake & ice cream along with cousin Kylan and Uncle Chris. The girls had fun playing together and running around the house like crazy women!

Lazy Night

Evelyn is usually pretty wiggly and doesn't like to lay still too often. But, the other night she was pretty tired so we both hopped into bed, rested & watched TV.

More Halloween

We went to see Cassie & Nora on Halloween as well to bring them treats. All of the girls liked seeing each other in their costumes.

Raggedy Ann

Evelyn was Raggedy Ann for Halloween this year. She wore her costume all day but could only handle wearing the wig in spurts. She had a busy day of apperances to make that day. She went to my work and Nana's work where we met up with Zoe & Connor. He didn't want to wear his monkey costume, but ended up wearing it by the end of the day. Evelyn was tuckered out at the end of the night!

Happy Halloween

Some cute Pre Halloween Pics.

Carving Pumpkins

This year Evelyn was slightly interested in Halloween. We tried to have her help carve pumpkins but she wasn't too sure about it. A little too sloppy for her I guess!

Bed Head

Evelyn had some very nice hair the other morning when I went to get her out of bed. Pictures had to be taken!

Already obsessed with shoes

This girl loves shoes. Mine & hers. She will pull out every pair of shoes that I have and try them on. She is now able to get some of her own shoes on by herself although not always on the correct foot!


Evelyn now loves to climb. We have a high bed so there are steps that go up to it. This is her new favorite place to climb on. Then she will play with everything on the nightstand!

Reading the Sunday Paper

Evelyn enjoyed reading the Sunday paper with Mom the other weekend.